The magazine is at the printers and I've just gone around putting up the posters all over Humpsturd and forgot to take Bessy the Bicycle so my feet are killing me. Might also be down to the winning last-minute goal I scored playing footy last night.
So, all being well, the mag will be out on Monday 9th of June and I have a nasty feeling it's going to be the talk of the town. Not least our rant at the Ham & High (Himm & Heil) for hob-nobbing with den Britischen Nazional Partei. No apologies. If you do that you'll have your bottom spanked! And what a splendid spanking we give them. My only worry is, will I get assassinated before Borac Obama? (Ouch). The Hampstead branch of the KKK will be waiting in the wings so maybe it's time for this editor to head for the hills!
Love, Peace & Bunga,
Mustafa Goldstein
Editor in exile
PS. See yaw'll at the Bar Room Bar on Fri 20th of June for a right old knees up!
PPS. Traffic Wardens in full uniform welcome.
PPPS. Everyone else vill be nude in ze sauna!