Core blimey! Things seem to have gone swimmingly for us so far. Top notch launch at The Tabby Cat Lounge, Sales galore at all your favourite Hampstead news agents and now it's back to the grind to get issue two out for December 1st! Of course we'll be throwing another party at the Flabby Twat! Which raises the point- are we swearing too much? Some old geezers aren't pleased with our loose use of the English lingo! Gawd Blimey (is that alright?), Arsefcuks isn't a swear word is it? After all FCUK is a bog standard corporate image. And surely the word 'arse' doesn't offend?
Well, can't be hanging around... The bumper Winter issue with an extra 8 pages won't write itself! Toodle pip! Mustafa PS. You can see or buy images of Hampstead like the one of the Flask (above) from the 6th of November to Dec 1st at Rainbird Fine Art 114 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M. Hours: Tue - Fri 11.30 -6.00. Sat. 12.00 – 4.00. Sun/Mon by appt. T: + 44 (0)20 7608 3333 E: info@rainbirdfineart.com W: www.rainbirdfineart.com Tube: Farringdon (which is abroad!)
I must be selling like hot turds or else, why would a whole pile have been deposited in my local? Remainded possibly? I think we should be told!
Liits- there's a full explanation on the website. www.hampsteadvillagevoice.com ps. but we don't owe anyone an explanation! we're sqatirical, anarchist pirates! so ner!
pps. if you don't like it, buy th ham & high! it's a free country! or then again maybe it isn't...
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