Tuesday 30 August 2011

Edtion 14 out Wed 07.09.11

The Hackfather

Phew! Edition 14 of the Hampstead Village Voice - out on Wednesday the 7th of September 2011 - is at the printers and I, for one, am mighty relieved. And, I may add, overjoyed because it's one hell of a good issue. Let's face it there's been plenty to satirise of late both locally and in Airstrip One.

For starters, as a nod to the downfall of Mr. Murdoch's already dubious reputation at the Ministry of Truth, we've added "Hello Humpstead - incorporating The New End Of The World" a centre page pullout, which I'm rather proud of. We deplore witch-hunting here at the Hampstead Village Voice, but when it comes to arse-holes like Murdoch and his Ignorance Is Strength version of "news", burning's not good enough for 'em!

I'm not going to go on too much about the rest of the content other than to say it's a jolly good read - especially if you only like pictures!

Go and buy it.

Toodle Pip!

Emmanuel Goldstein. xx
Enemy of big Brother.

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